An intumescent basecoat used as part 1 of a system to achieve 30 or 60 minute fire resistance for compartmentation.

  • Can achieve 30 or 60 minutes Fire Resistance in certain instances subject to a specification from the Technical Department.
  • For BS Class 1/0 and EN Class B only see Thermoguard Timbercoat Insulating Basecoat.
  • Interior and Exterior use.
  • Exceptional adhesion.
  • Certificate of Supply available on request.


Should be used in most instances as one part of the following systems:
Thermoguard Timbercoat 60 Minute System
Thermoguard Timbercoat BS Class 1/0 & EN Class B System
Please note that colours chosen in this product will be produced as an `undercoat shade` ready for overcoating with Thermoguard Smoke & Flame Retardant Dualcoat in the same colour, and as such an exact colour match should not be expected. The same colour should be chosen in both basecoat and topcoat for best results.
Please note that this product CANNOT be used without first receiving an application schedule from our Technical Department.